EEPROM Command Center

ECC is an application which allows for the control and monitoring of QSFP memory maps. The memory maps are interpreted as defined in the InfiniBand Architecture Specification Volume 2. ECC interfaces with the QSFP connectors from the local machine through a pair of Total Phase Aardvark I2C/SPI interfaces which are in turn connected to a QSFP module control board (MCB). The monitoring capabilities of ECC are useful for detecting changes to the Memory Map of a QSFP Device Under Test (DUT) while performing external testing (such as InfiniBand ATD testing) while the write capabilities allow configuring the QSFP device via its memory map.


  • Never miss a beat- graphical interface makes results evident and easy to interpret.
  • Save time with easier input of values to fields.
  • Save and load templates of predefined values.
  • Easily export summaries of results.


  • Monitor the state of QSFP EEPROM.
  • Write to writable fields of the QSFP Memory Map.
  • Save statistics and parsed memory map fields to file.

Demo Video:
